Wednesday, August 25, 2010

the Reason

My name is Yulie Lee and I am a Junior at Notre Dame.
I am an English major and I used to live in Lewis/PE but now I'm off campus. :)
I enjoy watching films, reading and going to delicious restaurants!

I love, ABSOLUTELY love, traveling. 

はじめまして ぃです。どじょよろしぐ!

The reason I chose to study Japanese:

I come from South Korea, a country with so many ties with Japan throughout history and till the present moment. However, I'm not much of a history buff. What I am interested is the culture.

My all time favorite film is Between Calm and Passion. No, I am not saying this becasue of this post, but for real, I LOVE this film. I have seen it about twenty times, literally. I am absolutely in love with the story, the acting,cinematography, music, scenery..etc. It is a hands down favorite to me. The movie is about two people in love perhaps destined for each other. Set in Italy and Japan, the movie itself is an enjoyable treat. Also, the dialogue of the movie is consisted of three languages: Italian, English and Japanese.

As I explored more about this movie I figured out that it was originally a book by a Japanese author. More specifically it was a collaboration or two Japanese authors. Kaori Ekuni and Hitonari Tsuji. What they do is they each write on a point-of-view. Kaori-san writes in the female perspective and Hitonari-san writes in the male perspective about an incident. (I just started a new book that they collaborated on called 'left eye' and ' right eye').

After finding out about these authors, I started reading Kaori Ekuni's books (translated into Korean) and found her brilliant. I enjoyed it very much and desired to learn more about Japan and Japanese. Thus, here I am! :-) I am excited to learn more and perhaps in the future read Kaori's books in the native language it was written in.

I am also excited becasue I have a Japanese friend named Sota.
I met him at a summer session a couple years ago, and he had a lot of interest in the Korean culture. He started to pick up the language and this summer he was able to speak fluently with me in Korean. He enjoys Korea quite a bit and visits very often. I just facebook messaged him that I am taking Japanese classes, and hopefully I will get to speak with him in both Korean and Japanese once I pick up the language as well! :) I am very excited.

love& peace,