Wednesday, March 9, 2011




私の母と父と弟といっしょに ごはのたべました。
食べ物がたくさんありました!かんこくのたべものと、ケーキと さしみをたべました。
両親といっしょに ワインをのみました。

When I was in Korea this winter we did an early celebration for my birthday.
It is quite typical to have a big dinner on a birthday in Korea.
I had so much food that day with my family. I miss them dearly.
My mother was really worried I would have a tough year, and she cooked so much food for my birthday.


Hello there

わたしは、今学期 アメリカーえいが じゅぎょうがあります。
じゅぎょうの プロジェクトは、15㌻ さくぶんです。
私はこのえいがのさくぶんを 書きます。

I'm in a film class and we are watching films and at the end of the semseter we have to write a long paper on a single film selection. This film is called 'Phenomenon' with John Travolta in it.

わたしが、7さいに 私の母と いっしょに えいがかんで この えいがをみました。I remember nothing really but a couple scenes. At the age I was scared of the movie. It's not exactly a kid's movie. But, it's a full circle since I am writing about it now -with so many interesting thoughts for a class.

The movie taps into the thought of "abundance". We humans are capable of an infinite range of actions, thoughts.. etc. However we are only using part of it. we are "abundant".

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.'"

This is actually a quote form the movie 'Coach Carter'. We are in fear of our greatest potential. Coach Carter says that we must realize this and move into veiwing our greatest potential- which is exactly what John Travolta is faced with in Phenomenon. A earth shattering moment of realizing his potential.

I am writing a paper on this and I am talking about it in my blog.
this isn't cool is it.

My point is.. we are more than what we present to be, but we fear the highest possibility of ourselves. This film shows why we would fear it (being cut off of the comfort of society).

Ernest Becker says that we are all lying to ourselves to make ourselves comfortable of not living up to that potential. Lies that fame us into only a part of our potential. I think i agree.

I hope you get a chance to watch Phenomenon over Spring break!


bye everyone.

Secret Garden

私は、今、新い K-drama をみます。Secret Gardenです。
ストリは、女の人と男の人の ラブストリです。It's been hot in Korea for a long time so if you're interested you should check it out.

わたしは 男の人が とてもとても 大好きです。韓国のゆうめいな actor です。おなまえは、Hyun-Bin です。

I found the sound track for the drama with Japanese subtitles.. but I can't really read them... The lyrics are about how he can't stop thinking about the girl!!


わたしの 休みは とても おもしろくて、よかたです。
私は ニューヨクに いて、グゲンハイム ミュ-ジアムにいきました。
私は えがだえすきですけど よく ミウ-ジジにいきたいです。

I have a true passion in the arts. This winter break I had a period of time where I traveled by myself.
I went to New York, to a empty apartment of my friend's and traveled.

I ate by myself, went to museums, watched musicals ..etc.
I enjoy being with people, but at the same time I wanted to have time for myself so I could enjoy and think.
(I know this sounds weird.. I am writing this and I find it weird but I really needed this kind of "time)

I hate it when I go to an art museum with a friend- and end up chatting more than enjoying art. This trip was a treat.  

The Gugenheim Museum

I loved being able to just step outside of the normal routine and just enjoy time for its sake.

I did get to meet some of my New York friends so I wasn't totally alone.

私の 友達 あすかさんです!
(just playing.. :P)

わたしは ニューヨクで、私の 日本の 友達に あいました。
3年ぐらいあいませんでした。。。そして、たくさん はなしました!わわたしは 日本語をべんきょうして、友達は Big Bang (K-Pop group) が好きですけど、韓国語ををべんきょしました。おもしろいですね。。

It was a great break ! <3